Saturday, October 9, 2010

iPhone -4 New Features

What's New In iPhone-4-

A Higher resolution Screen with 3.5 inch of 3GS display, Apple call it "Retina Dispaly" which is boasted to be the best resolution any mobile screen ever had.

Onboard Gyroscopes-

Engineers have made great strides lately in making gyroscopes smaller, cheaper and more efficient, and they're clearly part of the next-generation in mobile motion-capturing sensors. The power of ubiquitous, low-cost accelerometers was introduced to the masses in Nintendo's Wiimotes, and since then they've trickled on down to just about every smartphone or mobile gadget on the market. And just as Nintendo achieved greater motion accuracy for their Wiimotes with the gyroscopic Motion Plus attachment, which pairs both sensors' inputs into true 1:1 motion capture, Apple is adding a 3-axis gyroscope to the iPhone for the same enhancement--another claimed first for a mobile phone.

Gyroscopes add fine-tuned rotational detection to accelerometers' ability to detect linear motion, so you can expect much greater accuracy from tilt-controlled games and other apps. Steve Jobs demonstrated a Jenga-like game for the iPhone on stage, and all I can say to that is yes. The video below, made by the same folks who created the gyroscopes used in the Wii's Motion Plus, does a good job of explaining the difference between the two sensors and why it matters:

HD Video Editing with iMovie -

Several smartphones on the market now can capture the same 720p, 30fps video added to the new iPhone 4, but in addition,Apple demoed an impressive mobile version of iMovie that brings insanely powerful-looking onboard editing, rendering and export to your phone. Other phones can edit video too, sure, but what Apple showed today seems to go well beyond what's currently offered. If it works as advertised (and that's a big if, considering that I find the current desktop version of iMovie the most frustrating piece of software on my Mac), this is a huge leap forward.

Video Calling-

Apple is promoting the iPhone 4's video calling, dubbed FaceTime, as a paradigm-shift in human communication. Maybe you've heard that before describing various video-calling products over the last decade, at least? So I'm not buying the brain-melting power of a video call on my iPhone just yet. What's interesting, though, is Jobs's announcement of FaceTime as an open standard. Details are vague at the moment, but if FaceTime became a de facto option for video calling on a host of different devices with webcams (and "just works" as so many Apple products claim to do), that could be an interesting development.
Also, for now, you're limited video chatting in a place with Wi-Fi, as the demand on AT&T's network would be extreme.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Place Widgets above Blogger Header

A simple trick by which you can place widgets above you header text. Here I will let you know how to place a widget above ''Blogger Header". As we all know Header is a very potential place from adsense point of view as well as for optimization prospect. Here is a simple method by which you can place any of the widgets just above or below the Header text.

Just Go to edit layout-->edit HTML
Now find the code below in your blog's HTML code-

< class="'header'" id="'header'" maxwidgets="'1'" showaddelement="'no'">

once you find that, just change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'
and maxwidgets='1' to the number of widgets you like to add up(eg-3 for 2 . 4 for 3 and so on).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Put a Contact Form In your Blog

If you want to keep a contact form in your blog so that your blog visitors can interact/contact with you in a way you want, then here is a simple tip by which you can Place a contact form within your blog. Its free of cost and you can personalize it as according to you.
Visit (There are others websites too but i found it cool!!) and after a simple step of registration you can make your own personalized contact form within minutes. Just copy and paste the resulted code in you blog and your contact form is ready isn't it so simple!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Convert PDF to PPT ( Power Point)

It's always been a tedious task to convert file of one format to another for instance to convert a PDF document to PPT. Here have explored a a very simple way to convert PDF to PPT . You can convert a PDF file into PPT within Few easy steps without using any online or offline software.

1. Open the PDF file-> Go to Tools -> Select & Zoom-> Snapshot Tool

2. Now you can select any of the page/image/text on the PDF file and copy it by simply selecting it.

3. Go to Microsoft Power point presentation file and paste each selection accordingly.

Thus you can convert a PDF file into a PPT file. Easy andSimple !!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

How To increase Your Computer Speed

Those who are having windows installed in their computers can follow some simple methods to speed up their computer. Just follow the few steps and you can speed up your computer-

Empty Your Recycle Bin- Just check if their anything important in your trash and empty your recycle bin. Do not let it filled with unnecessary stuff.

Clean out temporary files- Go to My Computer, right click on the local disk (c:) and select properties. There is a box that says Disk Cleanup. Click it and select all the check boxes and click OK. That would restore some more space
Compress the drive to save space. Again, go to My Computer, right click on the local disk and select properties. Check the box that says compress drive to save space.

Do not go for hibernation- If you are one of those users who switches on a computer and never uses hibernation, this is for you. Go to Control Panel, select classic view, click on power options. Then click the tab that is titled hibernation and uncheck the box. This will save some more valuable hard drive space.

Reduce the size of system restore - Go to Control Panel, click system, click the system restore tab and reduce the size allocated to system restore. I generally decrease it right down to 200MB but this is optional. Reduce it to a size you feel is suitable.

Less Short-cut Icons On Desktops- Try to keep less icons or short-cuts on desktops window. those which are unused or rarely used should be cleaned up by using desktop clean-up wizard.

Virtual memory- This is hard drive space used as extra RAM. This is how you do it. Control panel > system > advanced > then select the option where it mentions virtual memory. You can either manage this amount yourself, you can let the computer decide how much it needs, or if you have more than 1GB of RAM (depending on what you use your computer for), you can select no paging file. I never use a paging file because i feel i have enough RAM. This is entirely a personal choice. Click apply once you have selected your option and restart your computer.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blogger Tips- Create Drop Down Menu For Labels

If you don't want labels to be shown up on your blog as a long list, just try the following code . It would help you to create a drop down menu for your labels.

Go to edit HTML section of layout and find following code(Please make sure that you have already defined labels)

   <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
       <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
         <a expr:href="data:label.url"><></a>
 Replace above selected of code with the following code snippet
onchange='location=this.options [this.selectedIndex].value;'
style='width:200px; background-color:#fff; color:#000;'>
<option>Select a Label</option>
   <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
      <option expr:value='data:label.url'><>

Now Save Template. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When Google Bot visits your web page

I found a great tool (Script) by which you can get when Google Bot visits your page
.Try the following code ,Just put it in your header, footer or wherever to think to convenient (But this Tricks works on PHP based pages only) -

if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ‘Googlebot’ ) !== false )
// The email address we want to send the email to
$email_address = ‘YOUREMAIL@EMAIL.COM’;
// Send the email
mail($email_address,’Googlebot Visit’, ‘Googlebot has visited YOURSITE.COM: ‘.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

Monday, February 22, 2010

How To remove/ Hide Navbar In Blogspot

Here is a trick by which you can hide navbar in your blogspot's Blog. Your blog will be looking more of a website rather than a typical blog.

1. Open your Blog's dashboard.
2. Go to Layout settings > Edit HTML
3. Look for:
/* Variable definitions

4. And just above that add:

#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

For More Tips Keep Visiting-