Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Place Widgets above Blogger Header

A simple trick by which you can place widgets above you header text. Here I will let you know how to place a widget above ''Blogger Header". As we all know Header is a very potential place from adsense point of view as well as for optimization prospect. Here is a simple method by which you can place any of the widgets just above or below the Header text.

Just Go to edit layout-->edit HTML
Now find the code below in your blog's HTML code-

< class="'header'" id="'header'" maxwidgets="'1'" showaddelement="'no'">

once you find that, just change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'
and maxwidgets='1' to the number of widgets you like to add up(eg-3 for 2 . 4 for 3 and so on).